Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bake #6: Tina bakes Raspberry Marble Cheese Cupcakes

The kitchen lights are out, and my cupcakes are in the fridge (p/s its 1.10am!!). I can't comment on the taste (yet, and I can't wait for tomorrow) but it sure was fun making these step-by-step:

Jenny was right about this being a wonderful break from all those 'cakey' cupcakes we've been baking for the past 3 weeks!! infact, I'm somewhat inspired to pick a 'non-cakey' bake next weekend in place of what I have already chosen (Streusels Cupcakes). Can??

I halved the recipe and it gave me 36 mini cuppies. Not bad at all!!

I cheated and used preserves instead of fresh raspberry puree!! No, I wasn't lazy wink*wink*, I had actually looked for them in four different places but they were just not available (we rely on imports here in Malaysia, as raspberries don't grow in this part of the world). I mixed raspberry&strawberry preserves, heated them up in the microwave until they melted and voila!! we were ready to roll...

These are pretty simple to do and you don't need to use that many ingredients. Plus point: they look so pretty too!! If you're reading this (and you're not Jenny haha), come on now and join us!!


jenny_bakes said...

Ooh, lovely!! I wonder how the cheesecake-preserve combo taste....I bet yummy!! I like the natural swirls on your mini-minis. I spent like half hour trying to create something artistic...hehehe...but natural is the way to go!
Good job, Tina now GO TO BED else you'll have dark circles and puffy eyes at work tomorrow!

Tina said...

update: 8.49am... no, I haven't tasted 'em cupcakes but brought some to work to be shared... you like the marble effect?? I didn't bother (well, I actually did for like the first three hehe) to create a masterpiece.. hey it was late lah!!:)

p/s: i'm trying to bake cake but NOT EAT CAKE.. is that even remotely possible?? :)

KG said...

drool drool.....think i can only bake mine on sunday!